Did you know you burn calories while walking too? However, most people around us don’t calculate the calories burned during walking. The walking calorie calculator on this website helps you calculate your walking calories.


⚠️Please enter a valid age.
⚠️Please enter a valid weight.
⚠️Please enter a valid walking time.
⚠️Please enter a valid distance.
⚠️Please enter a valid grade.
Calories Burned:
Walking Speed:
Weight Lost:

Understanding Walking: A Fundamental Activity and Mode of Transportation

Walking means an activity of any individual moving forward or backward on their foot at some pace(mild, moderate, or faster) by moving steps where there is at least one foot always on the ground; either the left or right foot remains on the ground all the time.

Walking is one of the most important fundamental activities and a mode of transportation for humans and animals.  Walking is commonly used for commuting from one place to another places it can also be performed for various purposes such as exercise, recreation, etc.

How do you calculate Walking calories?

You can calculate walking Calorie burn by using the formula
Calories Burned Calculator =  (T * MET* BW *3.5) /200

Breakdown of the terms

T =Time  in minutes  (any individual  who is walking either on the slope or steep surface. )
BW = Body Weight in Kg ( the weight of the person who is performing a  walk )
MET= Metabolic Equivalent of a Task  (It measures what amount of energy any activity( running, swimming dancing, etc) burns in comparison to sitting at rest without doing any activity for the same amount of time (i.e., MET = 1).

MET values for walking is about 3.8; MET values also differ for various levels of incline surfaces during walking. So while calculating walking, Calorie surface should also be taken into account.


A 50 kg man walks for an hour on a normal surface; how many calories does he burn?
Calories Burned Calculator =  (T * MET* BW *3.5) /200  

= 199.5 calories burned while walking

What are the factors that cause calories to be burned during walking?

The factors on which Calories burned during walking depend are weight, walking duration, Metabolic Equivalent of Task,  individual’s gender, distance, steps, walking speed, slope, and many more factors that decide calories burned during walking or weight loss during walking.

Importance of  Walking

Here are a few essential and most important benefits of using walking.

  • Walking helps in burning calories and also helps to lose weight.
  • Walking plays an important role in improving the cardiovascular system by strengthening heart and lung activity.
  • Walking makes people mentally and physically strong and capable of making various sound decisions.
  • Walking helps to enhance the lifestyle and quality of life, which directly improves the life expectancy of people.

Importance of  Walking Calorie calculator

The benefits of using a walking calorie calculator are listed below.

  • A walking calorie calculator helps provide accurate calorie tracking by estimating the number of calories burned during walking.
  • It helps with exercise planning by setting goals for calorie burning.
  • Using a walking calorie calculator helps provide personalized insights by accounting for your weight, pace, and duration.
  • It helps you determine treadmill compatibility. You can also try our treadmill calculator.
  • When you know the amount of calories burned by using the walking calorie calculator, it helps motivate you to walk more.

These are the benefits of using a walking calorie calculator. You can also try our running calorie calculator.


In this article, we use a Walking calorie calculator that guarantees 100% accuracy in calculating the total calories burned while calories; in case you like to calculate calories burned while hiking any hills, we recommend you use our hiking calorie Calculator and if you want to know more about running please read our articles related to running Calorie Calculator.

Here in this article, we cover basic information about Walking, how to calculate the total calorie burn while Walking, the formulas involved and their terms and their breakdowns, examples and their significance, and the importance of Walking.