⚠️Please enter a valid age.
⚠️Please enter a valid weight.
⚠️Please enter a valid resting heart rate (30-200 bpm).
⚠️Please enter a valid running time.
⚠️Please enter a valid distance.
⚠️Please enter a valid grade.
Calories Burned:

What do you mean by running?

Running means an act where an individual moves their foot swiftly and faster so that both of the feet can leave the ground during every stride an individual takes. Running is one of the important physical activities. Various factors determine the speed of your running. Running is an important athletics event that is included in every Olympics.  Running is important in every sport, like cricket, football, hockey, baseball etc.

How do you calculate Running Calorie burn

\(\text{Running Calorie Burned} = \frac{T \times \text{MET} \times \text{BW}}{200}\)

Breakdown of the terms

  • T =Time  in minutes  (any individual performing the workout such as cycling, running, swimming, Burpee)
  • BW = Body Weight in Kg ( the weight of the person who is performing a workout)
  • MET= Metabolic Equivalent of a Task  (It measures what amount of energy any activity( running, swimming dancing, etc) burns in comparison to sitting at rest without doing any activity for the same amount of time (i.e., MET = 1)

MET value for running is 9.8.

For example, A Person who weighs 50 kg runs daily for 30 min; how many calories does he burn daily?

Running Calorie Burned  =  (T * MET* BW) /200


=73.5 calories

What are the factors on which running a calorie calculator depends?

Age: age of the people who are running.

Weight:  the weight of the person who is running.

Resting Heart rate: This is the rate of the heart rate of a running individual for 20 seconds while resting.

Distance run: total distance an individual covers while running.

Surface grade: surface grade means on which surface an individual is running

For a flat surface of 0%, the Uphill run  surface gradient is +3%, and  for the downhill gradient, it is (- 5%.)

  • Benefits of Running
  • It helps to burn out calories and helps to lose weight.
  • It helps to improve the cardiovascular system and strengthen heart and lung activity.
  • It helps to improve mental health and physical health.
  • It helps to increase a person’s life expectancy by improving lifestyle or quality of life.


In this article, we use a running calorie burn calculator that guarantees 100% accuracy in calculating the total calories burned while running; if you would like to calculate calories burned while hiking any hills, we recommend that you use our hiking calorie calculator. Here, We cover basic information about all aspects of running, how to calculate the total calorie burn while running, the formulas involved and their terms and their breakdowns, examples and their significance, and the importance of running.