⚠️Please enter a valid weight.
⚠️Please enter a valid elliptical time.
Calories Burned: 0 kcal

What is the Elliptical Calorie Calculator?

An Elliptical Calorie Calculator is a human-developed online tool that estimates the number of calories burned during elliptical training. The calculation uses your weight, workout duration, and intensity level. It is one of the most important online calculators for determining the calories burned during a workout.

What do you mean by elliptical training?

Elliptical training means the workout is done to reduce or lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. This training is done by using a machine called an elliptical trainer. An elliptical trainer machine is also called a cross-trainer, which is a fixed exercise machine that anyone can use to do exercise without impacting their joints or without any risk. 

It is also important to check your running and walking calories using a running calorie calculator and a walking calorie calculator. It is not always possible to cover elliptical training and calculate the calories using an elliptical calorie calculator.

Elliptical trainers especially offer cardiac exercise with varying speeds and resistance. When doing elliptical training, knowing how many calories are burned is important. To determine the calories burned, we need an elliptical calorie calculator.

Modes/Effort level in  Elliptical trainer

It’s very easy to calculate elliptical calories with the help of an elliptical calorie calculator, but it’s also important to have an idea about the different modes of elliptical training, which are listed below.

  1. Manual mode: The user can set up the exercise mode, resistance, and incline level according to their need and ability to work out.  
  2. Preprogrammed mode: The user can set up the preprogrammed mode according to their need such as calorie burn, weight loss,  interval intense training, etc  
  3. Interval training ranges from high to low levels of effort, user can exercise according to their dependency on cardiovascular health status.  
  4. Hill climbing mode has an effort level of medium to high and gives similar stimulation and endurance to climbing hills.  
  5. Fat burn mode has an effort level of low to medium and maintains a steady heart rate for the Calorie burn.

How to Calculate Elliptical Calorie Burn?

You can calculate your elliptical calories by using the given formula:

Calories burned = Time(T) * MET * 3.5 * w  
(W) Weight /200  
Breakdown of the term related to elliptical calorie calculator.

T represents time which is time spent while performing  exercise on an elliptical trainer in minutes ;
W represents the Weight of an individual performing elliptical training in kilograms.

MET represents the Metabolic Equivalent of Task, which ranges from 4.6 to 5.7  according to the effort level and intensity on an elliptical trainer machine. If you are curious to know more about MET then you can refer to the calories burned calculator.

MET values for various effort level  
Light effort = 4.6  
Moderate effort = 4.9  
Vigorous effort = 5.7


An Adult 25 years old weighing 65 kg, performs Vigorous exercises on an elliptical trainer for about an hour. How many calories does he burn?  
Calories burned = T* MET * 3.5 * W  /200  
                             = 60 *5.7*3.5*65/ 200  
                             = 389 calories burned per hour.

This means that an adult burns 389 calories per hour approximately.

Importance of Elliptical training on health

There are various benefits to elliptical training. Before understanding these benefits, you should also check out how the Elliptical Calorie Calculator functions, as mentioned above. Here are a few benefits of elliptical training.

  1. It helps to improve cardiovascular function, especially heart and lung function, and keep individuals away from cardiovascular diseases.
  2. It helps to prevent the stress on the joints by using an elliptical trainer machine we can prevent exercising like climbing stairs more times which highly impacts the joints.  
  3. Training on the elliptical trainer for an hour daily helps to burn a good amount of calories which helps to achieve the weight loss goals.  
  4. It also helps the human to be in a sound and peaceful state of mind. While training on the elliptical trainer, it promotes cardiovascular health which releases endorphins which directly helps to the reduction of stress, anxiety, and various other mental health issues.


In this article, we use a free elliptical Calorieie Calculator that guarantees 100% accuracy in calculating calories burned while performing exercise using elliptical training, in case you like to calculate calories burned during swimming, running, or walking, we recommend you to our calorie burned Calculator.

Here, We cover basic information about all aspects of  Elliptical training, how to calculate the calories burnt, the formulas involved and their terms and their breakdowns, and examples and their significance, importance, and most frequently asked questions.


What is the WHO recommendation regarding exercises?

WHO recommendation regarding exercises for an adult is to perform moderate-intensity exercises at least for 150 minutes a week or to perform vigorous-intensity exercises at least for 75 minutes a week.

What is the formula to calculate the calories burned per minute while using an elliptical trainer?

The formula to calculate calories burned per minute while using an elliptical trainer is given below: 
Calorie burn per minute = MET *W*3.5 /200

What is the significance of resistance level in an Elliptical trainer?

The significance of  Resistance level  in Elliptical training is

1. Resistance level 2 signifies light effort exercise and having a MET value of 4.6
2. Resistance level 5 signifies Moderate effort exercise having a MET value of 4.9
3. Resistance level 8 signifies vigorous effort exercise and having a MET value of 5.7