True Shooting Percentage (TS%) Calculator

Points ⓘTotal points scored by the player. ⚠️Please enter a valid value. Field Goals Attempted ⓘTotal field goals attempted by the player. ⚠️Please enter a valid value. Free Throws Attempted ⓘTotal free throws attempted by the player. ⚠️Please enter...

FIP Calculator (Fielding Independent Pitching)

Home Runs ⓘTotal home runs allowed by the pitcher. ⚠️Please enter a valid value. Walks ⓘTotal walks allowed by the pitcher. ⚠️Please enter a valid value. Hits by Pitch ⓘTotal hits by pitch allowed by the pitcher. ⚠️Please enter a valid value....

Fielding Percentage Calculator

Putouts ⓘTotal putouts made by the player. ⚠️Please enter a valid value. Assists ⓘTotal assists made by the player. ⚠️Please enter a valid value. Errors ⓘTotal errors committed by the player. ⚠️Please enter a valid value. Calculate FPCT Reset FPCT:...

Slugging Percentage Calculator

Singles ⓘNumber of singles. ⚠️Please enter a valid value. Doubles ⓘNumber of doubles. ⚠️Please enter a valid value. Triples ⓘNumber of triples. ⚠️Please enter a valid value. Home Runs ⓘNumber of home runs. ⚠️Please enter a valid value. At Bats ⓘTotal at bats. ⚠️Please...

ERA Calculator (Earned Run Average)

Earned Runs (ER): ⓘ Number of earned runs allowed ⚠️Please enter a valid value. Innings Pitched (IP): ⓘ Number of innings pitched ⚠️Please enter a valid value. Outs Pitched: ⓘ Number of outs recorded ⚠️Please enter a valid value. Calculate ERA Reset...