What do you mean by climbing stairs?

Climbing stairs simply means ascending upward on ladders or staircases, moving upward from a lower level to a higher level by taking each step on a series of steps.  If you need to calculate stairs calorie calculator, refer to our post.

How do you calculate calories burned during climbing stairs( Stair Calorie Calculator)?

You can calculate the Stairs Calorie Calculator by using the formula

Calories Burned Calculator =  (T * MET* BW *3.5) /200

Breakdown of the terms

T means Time in minutes  (any individual climbing the stairs for how many minutes).
BW means  Body Weight of any individual Kg ( the weight of the person who climbs the stairs in kilograms )

MET= Metabolic Equivalent of a Task  (It measures what amount of energy from any physical activity such as climbing stairs, running, swimming dancing, etc burns in comparison to sitting at rest without doing any activity for the same amount of time (i.e., MET = 1).MET values for stairs calorie calculator vary according to the intensity of climbing it may be slow climbing, moderate, or vigorously faster.

MET values for various activities during climbing stairs.

Activities MET

Climbing upward(slow).                   4

Climbing upward(fast)                      8.8

Climbing a ladder.                             8

Descending stairs                             3.5

Upstairs (carrying 0.5-7kg).             5

Upstairs (carrying 7-11kg).              6

Upstairs (carrying 11-22kg).            8

Upstairs (carrying 22-34kg).            10

Upstairs (carrying more than 34kg) 12


A 50 kg person climbs upstairs a 5-floor building in 10 minutes carrying a 5 kg bag. How many calories does he burn?

Calories Burned  =  (T * MET* BW *3.5) /200

= 10×5×50×3.5/200

=  43.5 calories burned

Importance of  Stair Calorie calculator

stair calorie calculator helps in calculating calories burned and also helps to lose weight.

stairs calorie calculator helps to measure cardiovascular activity and can also play an important role in improving the cardiovascular system by strengthening heart and lung activity.

Stairs  Calorie calculator makes people mentally and physically strong and capable of making various sound decisions.

Stairs Calorie Calculator helps to calculate calories burned while climbing stairs to enhance the lifestyle and quality of life, which directly improves the life expectancy of people.


If you would like to Use the Stairs Calorie Calculator that guarantees 100% accuracy in calculating the total calories burned while climbing stairs then we recommend you to use our Stairs Calorie Calculator; in case you like to calculate calories burned while walking on any surface, we recommend you use our Walking Calorie Calculator and if you want to know more about running please read our articles related to Running Calorie Calculator. Our article, Stairs Calorie Calculator, includes all the basic information about Walking, calculates the stairs calorie burn while climbing stairs, the formulas involved and their terms and their breakdown with examples and their significance, and also includes the importance of the stairs calorie calculator.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why should I prefer stair climbing to burn calories?

One should prefer stairs to burn calories because while using the Stairs Calorie Calculator, the  MET value is ab, over  4, so it’s good to prefer it over other physical activities while you have joint-related problems or problems that make it difficult to perform other physical activities.

2. What is the accuracy of the stairs calorie calculator?

Stairs Calorie calculator accuracy always depends on different factors, such as the correctness of the formula used, data input by the user, and individual variations in metabolism. While our Calorie calculators can provide the most accurate calorie burn during swimming, hiking, and running still, actual calorie burn may differ.

3. How can we use a stairs calorie calculator for effective calorie burn?

We can use a stairs calorie calculator for effective calorie burn by having regularity in performing physical activities, increasing the pace or intensity of climbing, carrying the load to burn more calories, and using ascending stairs more than Descending stairs.